Join Runner's Edge!

2010 is here! It's time for you to get serious about your training for half marathons, full marathons, ultras and tris! Visit our website to become an active member of Runner's Edge of the Rockies, a Denver marathon training group!

Our Mission

To provide the best training program in the Denver metro-area, in order to help people achieve their goals while keeping in balance with the rest of life's priorities, and staying injury free.

Running Injuries

Here is a great article about running injuries, including tips for prevention and treatment.
The North Face® Athlete Tip - Nikki Kimball

"Every year one of every three serious runners will incur a running-related injury. Two thirds of these injuries result from training errors (J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3:309-318). Dr. Stan James, MD paraphrases a colleague’s "rule of too’s" stating "athletes court disaster when they exercise too often, too hard, and too soon and too much after injury and attempt remediation too little and too late," (JAAOS 1995;3:309). The "rule of too’s" summarizes most controllable factors in avoidance of injury. Of course there are other factors such as trauma, intrinsic biomechanical problems and possibly age. But I’d like to focus on the most common risk factors, as these training errors are also avoidable.
Read entire article at


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