Join Runner's Edge!

2010 is here! It's time for you to get serious about your training for half marathons, full marathons, ultras and tris! Visit our website to become an active member of Runner's Edge of the Rockies, a Denver marathon training group!

Our Mission

To provide the best training program in the Denver metro-area, in order to help people achieve their goals while keeping in balance with the rest of life's priorities, and staying injury free.

Done & Done!

"Go and getter' done!"

That was what one aid station volunteer said to encourage me on with about 6.5 miles left to go....... So I did, and became an Ultra Marthoner. Done and done!!

This is a very quick update on the results from Saturday's race at Sunmart, in Huntsville State Park, TX. I've got a ton of work to get to today (including 75 E-mails in my inbox), so unfortunately I'll have to save the good stuff for a future post in the next few days. The bottom-line is that I finished the 50-mile race in 9:38:11! Saturday's weather was just brutal: A record tying high of 82 degrees with 88% humidity at the start. As the race went on I realized that a 9-hour time wasn't in the cards for me and I refocused on finishing sub-10. However, time isn't the primary objective when it comes to ultra trail races (as Ned Breslin reminded me at the start of my 4th lap), and I'm just incredibly pumped with the journey, that I finished it, and am not too worse for wear. (Although I am struggling a bit to get comfortable at my desk this morning.)

The rest of the Runner's Edge of the Rockies members also did exceptionally well; Ned Breslin, Cathy Maslowski-Yerges, and Danielle Malberg ran the 50km, and Dave Longcope did the 50M. Danielle and Dave finished 2nd in their respective age groups for their race which is icing on the cake! And on Sunday just a few hours up the interstate in Dallas at the White Rock Marathon, Marc Middlekauff ran a personal best of 3:07 in just his second marathon to qualify for Boston!

Check back soon for more details, pictures, etc.... It was an amazing race, with lots of great stories. (As only something like running 50 miles can create.)



  1. Anonymous said...

    SWEET! Congratulations, David! That's awesome!

  2. Anonymous said...

    Congratulations on your journey and all your hard work!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Awesome awesome awesome! Congrats David!!! Can't wait to read more!

  4. Christina said...

    David you are amazing! You are such an inspiration and I was waiting all weekend to see your results. Needless to say, I am impressed. Congratulations, can I be like you when I grow up? - Christina Orlowski

  5. Anonymous said...

    Unbelievable!!! Congrats-looking forward to all the stories. You were in our thoughts on Sat. as we ran in the bitter cold! :) What's next?

  6. Anonymous said...

    Excellent job Coach Boss Man!! An official Ultra-Marathoner!

  7. Derek Griffiths said...


    Great job! I can't wait to hear the real race report!


  8. Unknown said...

    Congrats Coach! What a fantastic memory for you!

  9. Anonymous said...

    hey david...way to go! i can't wait to get out there and run with you guys again.

    i'm so proud that you are my coach. you're awesome!

  10. T seidl said...

    Congrats on the accomplishment, i remember when you talked about wanting to train for an Ultra, and now you rocked one! AWESOME!!! Way to go. We the Seidl's are SUPER proud of you. looking forward to some butt kickin tuesday night hell night trainings.

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